Group of people in office attire talking and drinking coffee.
In a world where a company's goals change and grow and a employee's responsibilities are correspondingly adapted, it is not enough to simply feel relaxed in one's position. If you want to remain a valuable employee you also need to continuously improve upon your qualifications and skills. We provide you will useful tips on how to maintain marketability and make yourself an indispensable employee over the long term.

Continuously enhance your abilities

If you want to remain a valuable employee, you need to ensure that your abilities are always up-to-date. In this regard it is best to focus on areas in which you already excel and on tasks you enjoy doing so that you can maintain your edge over potential competition-after all, your employer hired you in the first place precisely because of these abilities. Nevertheless, you also need to be aware of new requirements and responsibilities if you want to sustain your level of marketability. One way to do this is by reading job advertisements for similar positions in your industry. Determine whether or not you would fulfil the particular job profile, and if not, find ways to improve your qualifications and abilities to keep your competitive edge.

Be flexible

Another key factor with regard to remaining a valuable employee is your flexibility. If you can adapt to new situations with ease then you are more likely to be a candidate for new areas of responsibility in the event that your company changes its objectives, products, or markets. Stay on top of things and offer to work on new projects. Doing so will, without a doubt, will maintain your status as a valuable employee in the eyes of your employer.

Maintain your networks

Networking is a vital part of maintaining marketability. Your contacts can provide you with insight into the particular direction in which your industry is heading and where your abilities are most needed. They can also help you determine just how marketable you are in today's market and give you advice on where you need to improve your qualifications and skills. Remember that networking is a give and take so give your contacts the same level of support and advice you need from them. Naturally, it takes a lot of effort to remain a valuable employee. However, it is important that you do not subject yourself to undue stress. No one is perfect in every aspect of his or her job, but staying open to new ideas and challenges will help you improve along the way.