Person talking on phone and taking notes at a desk.
The references you choose to submit with your application are an essential part of the application process. Wisely choosing and preparing your references significantly increases the likelihood of getting a job. HR managers will contact your references after your interview to verify the information you have provided about your qualifications and skills. This makes selecting the right references and maintaining your relationship with them an indispensable part of the application process.

How do I select my references?

Consider the following factors when choosing your references: - Have you worked with them closely at some point during the last five years? - Does the person know your strengths? Will he or she praise your work ethics? - Is your reference a competent person in his or her field? Can he or she describe your qualifications in detail? Former supervisors, previous customers you have worked with, and colleagues all make excellent references. Make sure the contact information you have for each reference is up to date and keep them apprised of how things are proceeding for you in the application process. Include your list of 2-3 references at the end of your CV and provide all relevant contact information. This allows your future employer to choose which reference to contact in order to form an objective picture of who you are.

Prepare references for their task

Your references can only do what you expect of them if you have properly prepared them for their task. Provide all of your references with pertinent information well in advance and make sure they are ready for the call when it comes. Let them know how they should present you to your future employer so that what they say complements the information you provide when selling yourself to the company.

Maintain a relationship with your references

Your references also have their own responsibilities; thus, you need to stay in contact with them if you expect them to be a great reference. It is essential that they know how thankful you are for their time and efforts since they are in truth doing you a favour, particularly if you no longer work with or for them. What's more, maintaining contact with references also serves to maintain your network of contacts which you can then make use of once you have been given the job of your dreams.